Strategic postponement of OrkSwap

2 min readDec 5, 2022

Dear KuPayers,

The crypto industry has hit bad weather on its way to taking over the financial ecosystem of the world. KuPay is in the middle of the storm, but the ship is strong and the horizon is bright.

At KuPay we believe that blockchain will power the financial system of the future. We believe that during the bear market we must put in the work so our platform is ready when the masses start understanding that blockchain is the only way forward.

We also believe that keeping our promises to our greatest supporters is most important and that good timing is essential for all parties to benefit the most of our ecosystem.

Because many people (people that are still unaware of the true power of blockchain) have lost faith in cryptocurrencies and centralized exchanges, the amount of users in decentralized finance will most probably not increase in the short term. Meaning that launching OrkSwap at this moment will quickly deplete our APR’s which will endanger the continuity of the KuPay project and revenues of the early KuPay adopters.

For this reason KuPay has decided to:

  • Postpone the launch of OrkSwap to 1 May 2023 or BTC crossing a certain price indicating that recovery of the markets are imminent (exact prices to be established in concert with the community via a vote — published this week) whichever comes first.
  • Postpone the presale of KPY until 3 days before the launch of OrkSwap. Presale price and conditions to remain the same as previously announced. This way our most faithful supporters can keep their money in their pockets until it’s time to cash in on their investments in KuPay
  • Focus on building our community in the countries of the unbanked.

We are confident that we are doing the best thing for KuPay and its supporters.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to one of the Community Managers in our Telegram chat at

Team KuPay

