Safety Delay for Token Launch

2 min readOct 20, 2022

Today, we had a pre-launch team meeting and unfortunately we had to hit the brakes on the token launch. We are so close to being finished with our product, but we encountered an issue within the staking mechanics of our product. Everything else is working as intended, but the staking functionality needs to be perfected before we can launch. Our customers’ security is of utmost importance to us.

Since we are always transparent and honest, we feel it is irresponsible on our part to continue with our schedule for token launch while part of our core product is still not functioning as desired. We take your security and ours very seriously, and for this reason will not deliver a broken product. We fully understand this may come as disappointing news to many (including ourselves), but we know as a team it’s the right move for everyone.

What you can expect of us before we announce our sale again:

✅ Fully developed, tested, and team audited for safety DEX.

✅ Links to where our token will be sold.

✅ Users with time to fully review our new white paper before launch.

✅ More website updates and usability expansion.

Rush jobs rarely work out well, and we will make sure to take this extra time to deliver a perfected service. Sorry for the delay, but again… safety is our priority here.

We hope you understand,

Team KuPay

